Make your own Content matrix for social media sharing platforms

Edit your Editorial Calender now!!!

Today, let me take you through the most important strategy of social media…….

You might be unaware of the content matrix I am talking about or you are aware, but you don’t implement the content table for your social media stuff sharing.

Every business whether big or small doing its branding on social media has to strategize its content matrix, for sure, you can’t just ignore it.

Now, what is Content matrix????

Well, in simple terms, it is a table made for a week/Month or Quarter where in, your social media manager or content manager will list down all the content with respective topics or posts with their specific time and date on which the specific content has to be posted on specific social media sharing platform.

Ummm, don’t worry; you will understand it, just see the image below

3D Presentation1

The Content matrix differs according to the specific requirement of the company. One can also include time and post title for better planning and execution of social branding.

Now, make your own content matrix or in other terms your own editorial calendar

Google search results – Organic search results Vs. Paid search results

Howdy guys, today I am going to tell you something about Google search results. You all know that when you search for some news, articles or some other stuff, Google get two types of search results – Organic results and Paid results.

Now, whats that.

Organic search results are the Web page listings that most closely match the user’s search query based on relevance. Also called “natural” search results, ranking high in the organic results is what SEO is all about.


Paid results (Google Adwords) are basically advertisements — the Website owners have paid to have their Web pages display for certain keywords, so these listings show up when someone runs a search query containing those keywords.

On a search results page, you can tell paid results from organic ones because search engines set apart the paid listings, putting them above or to the right of the organic results, or giving them a shaded background, border lines, or other visual clues.

Bhavesh Bhansali

7 most valuable benefits of advertising with Google Adwords

Do you know what Google Adwords is??? Are you confused between Google Adwords and Google AdSense?? Take a quick glance and know it here before you start with the benefits of advertising with Google Adwords.

Now, if you know What Google Adwords is??

Let me take through the 7 most valuable benefits of Advertising with Google Adwords…

  1. Your Business address is on the tip of the world

Get your business found and let the world know what you do, how you do and what products you sell. Increase your leads in lesser cost as compare to your advertisement on traditional media such as print media, radio, TV commercials, etc…

  1. Connect to your target audience

Suppose you shoot a TV commercial of a product (Premium Men’s Watch) and advertise it on Television. Now, you might be aware of the fact that the ad is seen by almost everybody. A person who does not belong to your category also sees that ad. It incurs extra cost.

Now, if you advertise on Google search based media that is, Google Adwords, people who belongs to your category or people who are purely interested to buy a premium Men’s watch will see the ad and will click on your Ad.

Basically, you target is much more refined with Google Adwords.

  1. Measurable and accountable

You can’t measure that how many people visited your website or have clicked your advertisement if you are advertising on traditional media. But you can definitely measure how many people inquired about your company, visited your website or clicked on your advertisement if you are advertising with Google Adwords.


  1. Review performance

You can review your ads on Adwords and see which ad is performing how. This performance tracking is very important to analyze and decide the future advertisement projects.

  1. Stop your ad anytime

You can tweak your ads, try new search terms, pause your ad campaign and re-start whenever you like, for free – and all within Google Adwords.

  1. Locally or Globally

Your target group might be located anywhere. Target the ads according to the locations- regions or cities or countries within the set distance from your business location.

  1. Mobile matters

Today, people have smart phones and tablets. They inquire and shop from their convenient sources, that is, Mobiles, tablets, laptops, etc… Thus, don’t you think to advertise on this platforms or devices? You need to be advertising on every device that your customers are using – desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile. That way, when they’re searching, browsing or buying, you’re right there.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

Let’s create our own QR code in 3 simple steps

Let’s create our own QR code in 3 simple steps

Before making an attempt to create a QR code, let’s first understand 2 things to understand the basic essence of QR code:

  • What is a QR code and its full form?
  • Why it is useful?

QR codes, that is, “Quick Response” codes are little black and white barcodes that usually looks like this,

QR code

Now, you have seen these codes at many places, that is, on billboards, direct mail, print advertisements, and packaging and even on business cards.

Have you ever thought that why this QR codes are used everywhere?? Let me explain you in simple terms. Whether someone (may be individual or company) wants to convey or express some extra or important information and does not find place to convey, they uses QR code.

Originated from Japan, marketers adopted QR codes because of their excellent storage capacity and ability to translate and convey the information. QR code can be scanned by QR code scanner and other barcode scanning applications to access the additional information.


Now let’s get started with 3 simple steps to generate your own QR code:

  1. Select a QR code generator

There are a lot of popular QR code generators around you; few of the most popular ones include, QR Stuff, Kaywa and Visualead. One basic thing to take into consideration while choosing a QR code generator is to check whether you can track and analyze the performance, you can design a code according to your preference and if its compatible with all common QR code readers.

  1. Design and embed

The amazing part of creating QR codes is customizing and giving it the essence of the company or a brand. Let me select one QR code generator and demonstrate it. I will select

Now step one:

Now select what type of content you want your QR code should send to the readers, let me select the URL example.

step 1

Step two: Insert the content (URL in this case)

step 2

Step three:

Check the preview, customize it as per your need and finally download it or/and embed it wherever required.

step 3

 Quite simple, right? Of course, you can customize your QR code further — adjusting the colors, adding a logo, creating social options, and many more.

  1. Test and repeat.

After successfully creating and customizing QR code, test the QR code more than twice and even with different QR code reader  and check that it reads the code correctly and translate the correct information.

Quick, simple and useful !!!

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

Facebook Marketing- An hour a day

Facebook Marketing- An hour a day

I always take a great interest to replenish my thoughts on social media marketing, whether it may be, Facebook marketing or Twitter marketing, or may be Instagram or MySpace. Social Media Platforms has changed the way we think, we work and the way we share our emotions, happiness and surprises. My Mother always shouts at me early morning because of my relationship with social media sites. Hahaha!!! I know same is the situation with you. It’s amazing to see that how online businesses have evolved as a result of these social media sharing sites.

I always have a close relationship with Facebook because it is the most widely used and renowned social media site and thus, the survey says the same. Heya, to find out why and which social media platform businesses use for their better audience connectivity, I did a survey.

Now let’s get started with Facebook!!!

Today, Internet usage is a pervasive part of our livelihood. It’s hard to believe that how Facebook marketing has changed from the last few years. Yes, I agree with you that still many people think it’s a new concept, but believe me, just for 3 years. It’s a vast new customer place for small and big businesses. I have written an article few months back only on the request of one my fan friend that how can we build reach on Facebook for free. It might help you out!!!


In 2007, definitely MySpace was at the top of all Social media sharing sites. Maybe, possible that Twitter can repeat the same story with Facebook. But as of now, Facebook the king! I won’t tell you about Facebook account setup, page setup, inviting people to your page or sending friend requests, how to share a post, etc… But yes, I will definitely talk about Facebook Analytics. It’s a very important concept to know if you are having a business page on Facebook or thinking to start one.

Facebook is the big thing in marketing as I have told you. But, what’s the use if you can’t judge the impact of your Facebook strategies on customer engagement, hike in page likes and views, ROI, customer satisfaction and of course,  your conversion rates.

Now, Facebook analytics is a big concept. I won’t be able to share it with my small article, but, you all should know the math behind social media marketing and post sharing. And to get in touch with Facebook Marketing, I have a gift for you!!!

 Just an hour a day will make you and your business a champion!!!

Click to download

Facebook Marketing an hour a day

Bhavesh Bhansali



No doubt that technology has changed our lives, the way we influence others and the way we are influenced by others. Gone are the days when the people come to you to buy your products or services. Today everything is online, so why not marketing.

In simplistic terms, digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital media is so pervasive that consumers have access to information any time and any place they want it. Digital media is an ever-growing source of entertainment, news, shopping and social interaction, and consumers are now exposed not just to what your company says about your brand, but what the media, friends, relatives, peers, etc., are saying as well. And they are more likely to believe them than you. People want brands they can trust, companies that know them, communications that are personalized and relevant, and offers tailored to their needs and preferences. Digital marketing gives you a fair chance to interact with your existing as well as new consumers. Advertising on social sites brings in a lot of customers which in turn will benefit your company. Digital marketing helps even a small company to build its brand image in the minds of their target consumers. Today people don’t have much time to go to shop so as to save their precious time and buys their needful online. Selling the products and services online and making money is today’s world, I call it digital world.


5 reasons why digital marketing is so important:

  1. Today more and more people are going online. As per February 2013, India’s Internet Population stood at 150 Million (which is the 3rd Largest in the world).
  2. India is Google’s 3rd largest market globally. Google is the finest search engine and usage of Google is increasing rapidly.
  3. Indians spend around 16 hours online (in a week) on an average. That’s more than the time we spend watching TV
  4. The Indian Online advertising market IN 2010 has crossed 1000 crores and is growing fast at a rate of 50% per year. With this information, you can imagine why digital marketing is so important.
  5. India has nearly 950 mobile subscribers and at least 50 million subscribers have internet enables mobile phones.

                   “THE WORLD IS OF INTERNET, USE IT”.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose