It’s a men who gets raped

It’s a men who gets raped

It’s very mortifying when we hear the news of the girl or lady being teased or raped. We hear the news almost everyday. This should not happen for sure!!! We all need a clean and safe country.

Ohhh… I am taking the topic in the wrong direction!!!

It’s the naïve and shameless criminals who rape but not all men are like this. I want to ask only one question to all the girls and women that why you feel that all men are same.  I will bring to your notice the difference between men and women’s humanity. Mumbai Locals- you all might be aware of the rush during pick hours. I have noticed countless time in my 8 years of Mumbai local experience that whenever a lady or a girl (No matter the age) comes in a gents compartment, she will definitely get a seat to sit while a small 11-12 year boy gets into a ladies compartment to get rid of rush, he will be definitely thrown out at the next station and our women says “Men will be Men” and even more interesting one “Men are dogs”.

Countless number of times, I have heard “Ladies First” and women says “Men are dogs”. It’s the men who always gave privilege to women because we have seen women suffering for years and giving privilege is not bad thing from our side, but the only thing we want is that; Women should respect Men.

3D challenge 6

Our Country has fought so hard and is still fighting for Men- Women Equality, but now it seems that it’s the men’s time to fight for their rights.

I will not talk about the urban or rural areas. I will only talk about the metros. I really and respectfully salute the women living and working in metros for their empowerment, for raising the level and also for ruling the metros.

Men and Women are equal right!!! Then why the men are criticized everytime.

Just because of few culprits, all men are called dogs!!!!

Disclaimer: Author has expressed his own views and has not meant to hurt anyone!!!

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

Expect the unexpected – The tragedy

Expect the unexpected – The tragedy


I always find great interest in hearing and commenting on the tragic stories of life happened with my peers and mates. Never expected such a tragedy could ever happen to me.

People eventually expect the things to go their way, may be, with little twist and turns. But, what if, things go unexpected.

This tragedy gave me a lesson of lifetime that I would never forget, “Expect the unexpected”

It is rightly said by Norman Vincent Peale that “To change your circumstances, first start thinking differently”

It was 3 years back then; I was driving towards Ooty with my friends. We started our journey at 5.30am. It was a pleasant lovely morning. We were quite excited to drive to Ooty and to cover almost 1150km by car. You might understand the feeling of a road trip of 1150km – Super exciting.

We thought to reach the place by 1.5 day, but it took almost 2.5 days. We reached Ooty and took some rest at the cottage we booked. Next morning, we decided to visit Kamaraj Sagar Dam. It was never expected that the place was empty except 4 hot and bold girls hanging there.

As you know, Men will be Men, we thought and push ourselves towards them, start talking and finally be friends with them. The girls were from Mangalore. Priya was a girl with whom I felt in love with (Not love actually, it was an infatuation). We 4 out of 5 friends, booked the girls in our mind as we are Mumbaikars, we told eachother that bhai ye wali toh meri hai, common terms and phrases used by Mumbaikars.

One of my friend Kunal was already committed and thus, was not interested. We all were having a lovely trip. We were enjoying with each other’s company. In the span of these 8 days, 3 of my friends had proposed the concern girls and were into relationship.

It was the second last day of their (girls) trip, we(boys) were having 2 more days to go. I thought to speak to that girl about my feelings. I thought, may be 11pm would be a classic and romantic time to express.

11pm- I saw the 3 couples were enjoying the evening. It was very romantic. I called Priya to come and accompany me. We both were speechless after seeing the 3 couples. I diverted my mind and asked her about tomorrow. The tragic conversation and tragedy of my life took place that night and at that conversion.

Me: “Hey Priya, @ what time you guys are leaving”

Priya: “At morning 11am”

Me: “Ohhhkkk, It was a lovely trip and your company was excellent”

Priya: “Yes, same here.”

Priya Again: “Hey Bhavesh, I want to say you something”

(I thought what an excellent day, Priya gonna propose me…. Yuppie!!!)

Me: “Yeh, say, am listening”

Priya: “Bhaveshhhhhhh, I am in love with (Goosebumps) your friend Kunal”

(I was speechless, Don’t know what to say)

Me: “Ohhhkkkkk Priya, that’s Nice”

I was totally pissed off. I went and told this to Kunal. He was literally laughing at me and I also started laughing at myself.

That day I learnt a lesson that, maybe it’s in relationship, business or politics; always expect the unexpected.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose