How Influencer Marketing can help you to build reach and engagement

Want to boost your advertisement campaign/blog post/product awareness?? Tried every method and still unable to build reach and grab specific target audience.

No worry, Influencer marketing has come to your rescue. Before that let me tell you what exactly Influencer Marketing is??

Influencer marketing is as similar as word of mouth, in digital language, its word of mouse. It is a word of mouth/mouse marketing done by people/groups/experts that can influence other’s buying behavior.  They have the power of influencing others because of their expertise in that specific field, reputation and popularity with large audience base.


Eg: Celebrities which are highly visible, popular and who has a huge fan following both on social media and outbound market who can give a huge exposure to the brands because of their huge fan following are mostly used to promote the products. They can influence the behavior of others.

Now, any blogger/page/group or an expert who has a huge fan base on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Googleplus, etc… can be termed as an Influencer.

Excellent example: Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has launched “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” and extensively promoted through every platform, but again to influence the masses extensively, he approached 9 famous TV serials such as “Tarak Mehta ka Oolta Chasma”, “Comedy nights with Kapil”, etc… to influence the people to a large extent.


Now, getting a right influencer is again a difficult task because the influencer has to reach the target audience you are looking for. No worry,  there is one online platform in India called, which has made it easier for advertisers to find Influencers from different niche based on target audience’s age group, country, industry etc.

Influencer marketing is itself gaining a boost in India.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Make your own Content matrix for social media sharing platforms

Edit your Editorial Calender now!!!

Today, let me take you through the most important strategy of social media…….

You might be unaware of the content matrix I am talking about or you are aware, but you don’t implement the content table for your social media stuff sharing.

Every business whether big or small doing its branding on social media has to strategize its content matrix, for sure, you can’t just ignore it.

Now, what is Content matrix????

Well, in simple terms, it is a table made for a week/Month or Quarter where in, your social media manager or content manager will list down all the content with respective topics or posts with their specific time and date on which the specific content has to be posted on specific social media sharing platform.

Ummm, don’t worry; you will understand it, just see the image below

3D Presentation1

The Content matrix differs according to the specific requirement of the company. One can also include time and post title for better planning and execution of social branding.

Now, make your own content matrix or in other terms your own editorial calendar

Which social media platform do you use???

Which social media platform do you use???

You might be thinking that 3D (Daily Digital Dose) is back with the latest informative blog post.

Hahaha, the answer is big NO. Today I am not here to share any valuable information, but to gain some valuable insights from you guys.

Help me out!!!

I am sure you all guys use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instragram to stay connected to your friends and peers or if you are using it for business, your motto is to stay connected to your target audience for better engagement, for excellent conversion rate and finally for enhancing your brand image.

To find out why and which social media platform businesses use for their better audience connectivity, I ask Google (Sabka baap ek hi hai) the same question I am asking you.

I got various answers and even I got answer of the questions which I didn’t ask. I was getting twisted with every new answer I got from Google. It was like Google is trying to tie me with a big rope.

Finally, I decide to forget Google and throw this question in front of you guys!!!

Feel free to fill the survey and you can also view the results!!!

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

The math behind the scene – Most overlooked part of Social media

The math behind the scene – Most overlooked part of Social media

Everybody!! Yes, almost everybody had ignored or is not aware of the math behind one of the most important social media strategy.  Social media marketers are so busy in creating and sharing the posts that they have literally missed this out!!!

The Basic distribution math – The most overlooked one!!!


Let me take you through an example for better understanding.

I am owner and a social media manager of a Small Restaurant. Suppose I have Facebook likes, twitter followers, blog readers and even YouTube subscribers. I have 2000 fans for each. Now, let consider only Facebook for the basic math and the calculation is for a sharable, I mean, an excellent post not for the not so good post.

You posted an article (Suppose)

2000 Facebook fans * 14% average fan viewing of the post = 280 people likely to read your article.

I am sure that you have never thought of this!!! But that’s not the end of the story.

280(Likely to read)* 10% viewers sharing * 150 average friends of viewers* 12% average friend viewing

Let’s calculate the numbers!!!

280* 10% (Viewers sharing) = 28

28 * 150 (Average friends) = 4200

4200 * 12% (Average friend viewing) = 504

Its 504, the size of your viewers is always smaller than the size of your fans.

All the social media marketers show consider this, if they want to create a buzz on Social media!!!

For more updates on Facebook marketing, buy this book now!!!

Buy Facebook for Business: How To Market Your Business on Facebook and Get More Sales

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

How to build reach on Facebook for free

How to build reach on Facebook for free

Facebook for business, yes it is!!!

Facebook page is an essential way of build reach for any type of business now-a-days.

Today, I will give you some tips and tricks to build reach to your buyer personas (Target audience) for free.

Yes, you heard it right, no need to incur any expense to boost your post, no need to promote your page with heavy biding.

Here’s the answer!!!

  1. Invite your friends to like your page

No need to tell you this, it’s just for the sake of information. It’s mandatory to invite your friends because it’s your friends who will share your name. Invite all your friends.


  1. Share your page

share page

Share your page in different ways. In the activity section, you will find an option of “Share page” on the left hand side. You can share your page on your timeline, on your friend’s timeline, in a group, on a page you manage or in a private message.


  1. Highlight your post


You can highlight your good posts and it will help you to get more people.

High light icon


  1. Pin to top

pin to top

Pin your post to the top of your all posts. Whenever people come to your page, they will see that specific post and it will create better engagement and better reach.

pin icon


  1. Schedule your posts

schedule post

You might have fans from UK and USA or some other foreign country; you are not able to post for them because they are online on the time when you are sleeping. That’s okay, no worry at all, Facebook at your rescue. You can simply schedule your post on the day, date and time you want and FB will do it for you.


  1. Create events and milestones

It is seen that events and milestones brings a good amount of page likes and page shares. Excellent rate of engagement is seen. Share your small or big, whatever, milestone with your fans and followers and thus, build credibility.


  1. Tag people in your posts

Make use of hash tags (#) for excellent reach.  Tag communities, other pages or your friends who fits in your post category.


  1. Join communities and groups

Last, but very important. Join communities and groups which belong to your category. Keep sharing your page and your posts with these groups and communities and it will help you to get more likes and hits. It is an excellent way to share page and bring likes.

Content- The baap of all

Content- The baap of all

c 3D

I have already said that Content is the king. Now let me share with you all that why Content is the baap of all.

You guys are aware of all the social media platforms available with us. Whatever the things are posted, shared and liked are all content.

Content is anything we create and share on different platforms to educate and inform our target audience or just for the sake of enjoyment.

Different types of content are:

  • Text (Written words)
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Audio

Social media platforms are growing not because population is growing, but it’s because people are creating and sharing recognizable and powerful content on continuous basis.


Facebook is growing very fast, not because of millions of users. It’s because people are sharing helpful content on Facebook which in turn invites and motivates more people to join Facebook.

YouTube – The video sharing platform and most liked platform. I already told you, Video is one of the most shared and liked form of content. YouTube’s subscriber list is growing just because people are creating and sharing videos on regular basis.

Most marketing campaigns are successful because of good and enjoyment content is the form of videos.

EG: ASL Ice Bucket Challenge Campaign (latest growing campaign)

These two platforms are not the only platforms which are surviving because of good and powerful content. Others such as

  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Googleplus
  • Instragram
  • SlideShare
  • WordPress, etc… also are growing because of useful content being created and shared everyday

Now, you might think about “How to create excellent and powerful content”

Better Customer engagement and fan following will happen only if your content is powerful and useful for your target audience.

Videos and Images are the most popular form of content and helps the organization, whether big or local business to build the reach in an optimum manner.

Blogging is also one of the very important ways to engage customers. Create and share informative blog posts or educate your audience through your blogs, which I am doing.

It is a very effective and creditable way.

Buy Create Awesome Content from

Buy Blogging Content: 60 Great Ideas for Your Next Blog Post

Buy Blogging Tips: Blog Secrets and Strategies for Profit Made Simple