The Big Difference – Why???

I don’t want to say anything, the picture says it all!!!

The big difference – why???

Just crab the difference and try to get over this nonsense.

We say, but we don’t execute it when it comes to cleaning up the society in terms of both roads and minds.

Get out there and fail

You might be thinking why I am telling you to get fail. Hahahah, I am not telling you to go out there and fail, but I am just asking you to accept the failure and get ready for a new try with a new positive approach.


Your failures are your learning experiences that points out your mistakes you must avoid in your life. Never try to hide from failure and face it with positivity. Just remember a simple theory, if you are afraid of failure, you won’t take risk and if you won’t take even reasonable risk, you won’t achieve or will achieve very little. As once Beverly Sills nicely remarked, “You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try”.

None of your visualization or imagination will do any good if you do not believe in yourself. Many of us have goals that we are really excited about — goals that have rewards so big we did give almost anything to get there. But sometimes it feels like those goals are just fantasies that won’t ever happen, and that’s when every ounce of motivation disappears. Get Self-motivated here!!!

The winners in life know that you crawl before you walk and you walk before you run. That is, each new goal welcomes a set of new failures. Now it’s up to you whether you treat these failures as temporary setbacks and challenges to overcome or you fail permanently.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Spin your customers – Sell them the products – Be a sales superstar

Spin your customers – Sell them the products – Be a sales superstar


Are you a sales executive, maybe tagged as Sales Consultant or Key Account Manager or may be Business Development manager? All is one and the same!!!

Even me. Sales Executive tagged as a Business Development manager.

But that’s not the issue whether you are tagged as a Salesman or Sales officer, the issue is; are you able to sell your company’s product, are you able to complete your target, are you a sales superstar.

Selling is not an easy task to do, even it’s not a difficult task if you follow the right proven methods or introduce some creative ways to sell.

Take an example of mine; I was working with a company as Business Development Executive; first 2 months after 1 month training- 2 Sales & my target was 7 per month. I came to know from my internal sources that if I don’t complete the target in the 3rd month, I am out!!!

I was totally pissed off, not with the boss, but with myself. I called my professor and he told me what mistake I was doing while trying to sell.

I was missing the technique and that technique make me grew from Business development Executive to Business Development Manager with 6 Sales Executive under me in a span of just 9 months.

Now let me introduce you to the technique that most of the Sales people are missing!!!

It’s called the “SPIN technique”

Inculcate SPIN approach to selling. It’s nothing but a simple technique of asking questions to your customers.

SPIN stands for:

  • S – Situation (questions)
  • P – Problems (questions)
  • I – Implication (questions)
  • N ­– Need payoff ((questions)

What do SPIN mean:

Situation Questions: This questions deal and focus on the buyer’s existing situation

Problem questions: Ask about the buyer’s pain and focus the buyer on this pain while clarifying the                 problem, before asking implication questions.

Implication Questions: Ask and discuss the effects of the problem, before talking about solutions, and develop the seriousness of the problem to increase the buyer’s motivation to change.

Need Pay-off Questions: Get the buyer to tell you about their Explicit Needs and the benefits your solutions offers, rather than forcing you to explain the benefits to the buyer. Getting the buyer to state the benefits has greater impact while sounding a lot less pushy.

Let me tell you a Sales story for clearly understanding!!!

A sales person David working with a Tally solutions company went to a Hotel manager to sell its Software. Now let’s see, how he converts the sell.

David: “Hello Sir, I am David from XYZ Company. How are you Sir?”

Customer: “Great going buddy!!!”

David: “Can you tell me sir what software you are using for your hotel account management” (Situation Question)

Customer: “I am using … software from … company”

David: “How the software working? Are you satisfied with the software?” (Problem question)

Customer: “Ummm… I am not happy with the performance, sometimes it gets slow and sometimes it doesn’t accept the data”

David: “Hmm, Performance and data feeding problem will harm your productivity”

David again: “If it is hurting your productivity, it will harm your overall business such as Billing problem may arise, Inventory management problem and such” (Implication question)

Customer: “???…. (Thinking)”

David: “If we could remove the problem, How that will help you?” (Need Pay-off question)

 (Show and talk about your product)

Customer: “Hmm, that’s great!!!”


Just Spin your customer, show that there is a problem and show him/her the effects of the problem.

I think this might help my sales friends to some extent.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

Stop Complaining!!!

Comic strip_ Stop complaining!!

“Nobody wants to hear about your aches and pains”

“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles”

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

Attitude Matters!!! A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow

Attitude Matters!!!

A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow


“Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goals.

Nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong attitude”

Thomas Jefferson

Now, here are some principles that if you inculcate in your heart and mind, you will get the passport to a better tomorrow and also companies hire candidate who are well versed with these principles.

Remember and inculcate these principles:

  1. Turn your problems into opportunities:

 What you feel or react when you face a problem or setback? If you are like most of the people, your first reaction is to complain, ‘Why did this have to happen to me?’ This reaction or response is natural. You will certainly face a period of uncertainty, but there’s always another side of the coin known as opportunity. Every opportunity seems to be a problem at the first look unless and until we face it and make adjustments to change the problem into opportunity.

It is simply a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.

  1. Stop complaining!!!

In this entire world, nobody has a time to hear about your aches and pains. Imagine you are a manager and you have dedicated some urgent work to your subordinate. After a given deadline, your subordinate come to you and says “Apologies sir, I haven’t completed the task as I was not well”. How you will react??? I know how you will react. While writing this blog, I remembered many occasions when people started complaining and I simply ignored it. It works on a basic principle that people don’t want to see you complaining, rather they want to see you performing and happy.

“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings, while others are adding up their troubles”

  1. Associate with positive people

            “We become part of what we are around”

Well, this small line might have told you what I want to say.

We are surrounded by two types of personalities: Optimistic and Pessimistic. Optimistic are referred as positive and nourishing people while Pessimistic are referred as negative and toxic people. When you were a kid and even now, your parents tell you not to be friend with negative people. You can surely find the difference between nourishing and toxic people. Are the things or people around you helping you towards your success or they holding you back. Make your choice now or be a toxic personality.

Here’s one of the best selling book by Jeff Keller which will take you to the further and most important principles of positive attitude.

“Attitude is everything”


Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger @ Daily Digital Dose




None of your visualization or imagination will do any good if you do not believe in yourself. Many of us have goals that we are really excited about — goals that have rewards so big we did give almost anything to get there. But sometimes it feels like those goals are just fantasies that won’t ever happen, and that’s when every ounce of motivation disappears.

If you want to stay motivated then you have to believe in yourself. You need to believe that you can accomplish your goals, you can get everything on your hands if you want.

Learning how to motivate oneself  is something that I feel is not only one of the most important skills one can have, but may be one of the greatest gifts I can give to myself.

I think one of the biggest differences between an ordinary person and an extraordinary person is their degree of consistent motivation and passion.

Creating Self-Motivation

So if motivation is one of the most critical aspects of success, and motivation comes within, then what is the secret to staying motivated? Underlying motivation is your desire.  Desire is sort of the root of motivation.  First there has to be a strong desire in order to create motivation. Desire is analogous to fire — a small fire makes a small amount of heat.  A big desire creates big motivation.

Intensify your Desires to Drive Motivation

Just thinking about what you want or desire is not enough to create the type of sustained motivation that drives success.  You really need to intensify those desires by thinking intently about how much you really want those desired outcomes.

Motivate yourself after now and then, that is, “Yes I can do it”. Repeat this as a Mantra or some shlok.