5 hilarious laws of travelling in local train

5 hilarious laws of travelling in local train

Howdy buddies, how are you all today!!!

I am back with my latest article with humorous content in it. Today, I will take you to some hilarious laws of travelling in a train. Enjoy!!!

Let’s get started.

  1. Law of getting caught by a ticket checker


The ticket checker will not catch you for months when you have a proper ticket/pass. But the day, when you don’t buy a ticket due to some reasons, the ticket checker will definitely catch you.

  1. Law of first class been more crowded

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When you think of travelling in first class to get rid of rush, you will get more rush in first class than second class.

  1. Law of standing in a local train


When you don’t get a seat to sit in a train, the train will take more time to reach the specific destination or will run slow.

  1. Law of forth seat


When you are sitting on the third seat while travelling, the person taking the forth seat will be fat.

  1. Law of luggage


Whenever you are carrying a lot of luggage with you, you won’t find the space to keep the luggage or you will get a train in which the luggage carrier is missing.

Bhavesh Bhansali

5 questions your girlfriend will always ask you over a phone

5 questions your girlfriend will always ask you over a phone

I know each of you having a relationship must be encountered with these questions. Imagine the time you were asked these questions and the answer you gave.

 Now let’s get started,

  1. Are you sleepy bacha!!!


Hahaha, very common question asked at late night. If you say YES, she will scold at you by saying, “I am important or your sleep – decide it now”

  1. Did you miss me today my love???


Now, if you say NO, you are gone and if you say YES (Mostly everybody says YES), she will ask you another question “How much??”

  1. Am I looking fat!!!


When my girlfriend puts this exclamatory question on me, I get totally puzzled. But as usual, my answer is same as yours “NO”.

  1. Are you addicted to anything other than me??


Now, she seems to be like alcohol or any other addictive stuff. You know your response.

Now a last question!!! This question is a cute one but often asked every day.

  1. Will you ever leave me alone??


My answer is purely NO. Watch out yours.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

Expect the unexpected – The tragedy

Expect the unexpected – The tragedy


I always find great interest in hearing and commenting on the tragic stories of life happened with my peers and mates. Never expected such a tragedy could ever happen to me.

People eventually expect the things to go their way, may be, with little twist and turns. But, what if, things go unexpected.

This tragedy gave me a lesson of lifetime that I would never forget, “Expect the unexpected”

It is rightly said by Norman Vincent Peale that “To change your circumstances, first start thinking differently”

It was 3 years back then; I was driving towards Ooty with my friends. We started our journey at 5.30am. It was a pleasant lovely morning. We were quite excited to drive to Ooty and to cover almost 1150km by car. You might understand the feeling of a road trip of 1150km – Super exciting.

We thought to reach the place by 1.5 day, but it took almost 2.5 days. We reached Ooty and took some rest at the cottage we booked. Next morning, we decided to visit Kamaraj Sagar Dam. It was never expected that the place was empty except 4 hot and bold girls hanging there.

As you know, Men will be Men, we thought and push ourselves towards them, start talking and finally be friends with them. The girls were from Mangalore. Priya was a girl with whom I felt in love with (Not love actually, it was an infatuation). We 4 out of 5 friends, booked the girls in our mind as we are Mumbaikars, we told eachother that bhai ye wali toh meri hai, common terms and phrases used by Mumbaikars.

One of my friend Kunal was already committed and thus, was not interested. We all were having a lovely trip. We were enjoying with each other’s company. In the span of these 8 days, 3 of my friends had proposed the concern girls and were into relationship.

It was the second last day of their (girls) trip, we(boys) were having 2 more days to go. I thought to speak to that girl about my feelings. I thought, may be 11pm would be a classic and romantic time to express.

11pm- I saw the 3 couples were enjoying the evening. It was very romantic. I called Priya to come and accompany me. We both were speechless after seeing the 3 couples. I diverted my mind and asked her about tomorrow. The tragic conversation and tragedy of my life took place that night and at that conversion.

Me: “Hey Priya, @ what time you guys are leaving”

Priya: “At morning 11am”

Me: “Ohhhkkk, It was a lovely trip and your company was excellent”

Priya: “Yes, same here.”

Priya Again: “Hey Bhavesh, I want to say you something”

(I thought what an excellent day, Priya gonna propose me…. Yuppie!!!)

Me: “Yeh, say, am listening”

Priya: “Bhaveshhhhhhh, I am in love with (Goosebumps) your friend Kunal”

(I was speechless, Don’t know what to say)

Me: “Ohhhkkkkk Priya, that’s Nice”

I was totally pissed off. I went and told this to Kunal. He was literally laughing at me and I also started laughing at myself.

That day I learnt a lesson that, maybe it’s in relationship, business or politics; always expect the unexpected.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

Ask these smileys, what type of manager you are or probably become

Ask these smileys, what type of manager you are or probably become

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It’s not a game, it’s your personality.

Ask these intelligent smileys about your personality. They will tell you, what type of manager you will become or you already are.

Choose any one smiley and check your managerial personality. Let’s start…..!!!!!

  1. The General (Strong aura and great leader)

You are a very happy-to-go competitive person. You want your tasks to be completed in a certain way and on schedule. You are an easy going person who respects other’s opinions and behavior. You pay strong attention to every problem and deal with it very effectively. You are very optimistic and proactive person.

  1. The Macro-manager ( Out of box personality)

Trust is the big factor and it’s on your side. You don’t make decisions, but delegate the powers to make specific decisions to your team members. You like to work with the team. Yes, you are a very creative person. New thoughts and ideas are always on your mind. Your team members and subordinates admire you and your way of working. You believe that if you can’t ignore the problem, face it early. Competition is always on my mind.

  1. The Superhero (Fast and furious)

Yes, you are a very fast person. You don’t like to waste time on unproductive things or situations. You love your work and always find fun in your work. “Work hard, party harder” is your motto. You are very extrovert and party personality. You always find time for partying with friends and colleagues. When your team member or subordinate makes a mistake, you are the one to take the heat from the super boss.

  1. The Mentor (Wise and patient)

You provide all the answers and wisdom to the problem or situation affecting your team members or your company. You are a planner. You are emotionally attached with your work. You get teased very fast, but somehow manage to overcome with your intellectual. You are a very competitive person, but at the same time, you are a mentor to your competitors. You don’t mind to help even your strong competitors.

  1. The strategist (World class chess player)

People find you as a very confusing person. People can never judge you with your emotions or face expressions. You like to hide your true personality. You are a futurist and you know what you have to do and what you are doing to achieve your goals. You always work in a specific way, that is, Plan- Strategize- Execute- Analyze. Straight forward personality and you get angry with your subordinate if the work you delegated is not done on time.

  1. The Overachiever (Innovative personality)

You are an indeed excellent manager. You are a manager who is loved and admired by every subordinate, friend and colleague. You are loved and admired because people love the way you work and respect others. You are a hard worker and you believe in crossing the boundaries. You can’t bound yourself with boundaries whether cultural, religious or work related. You are a traveler. You are an excellent person who likes to innovate and create something valuable.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger @ Daily Digital Dose