Check highlights of Financial Budget 2015

Infographic of Financial Budget 2015 highlights

Check out the latest financial Budget 2015 introduced today (28th Feb, 2015) by Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley.

Financial Budget 2015 Copygfe

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

Obstacles in Starting a Business

 Obstacles in Starting a Business

Today, everybody wants to become an Entrepreneur. Every passionate employee wants to be his/her own boss. He/she want immense money and fame and have a dream to build a dream house and wants to buy the most expensive car.

But, when we think of becoming an entrepreneur, only one thing harass us the most and that is, capital. Right!!!


No, that’s not right!!! Capital does not stop anyone to become an entrepreneur because if you have a convincing business idea, investors will throw money at you to get started. There are three main obstacles that we always feel but we don’t think off.

Before taking you to those main causes that stops or demotivates a person to start a business, let me give a brief summary of “How to become an Entrepreneur”. Read this some tips and walk the way to your new successful business

The main causes that we never think off are:

1. Fear

Fear is the most dangerous thing in anyone’s life. When you were a child, you fear to go to school and when you went to the school for the first time, you never skipped your school. When you joined your company for the first time, you have a fear of company’s culture and the atmosphere, now you don’t want to leave your company. Fear of unknown things, fear of future which is not in our hands. We all have fear of unknown things. Skip that fear and learn to take fearless, but reasonable risk.

2. Uncertainty

Nothing will go in the way you want. Uncertainty is at every step of life and surely will be at every stage of your startup or established business. Always expect the unexpected. Maybe it’s in relationship, business or politics; always expect the unexpected. 

3. Doubt

Doubt always comes with inexperience. I have seen many people who have a great idea, work on that idea for months and then think that it’s not a good idea to get started with the business. Actually, the problem is not the idea, it’s about clearing doubt at the initial stage, it’s about doubting every step or plan without proper research.

These are the main obstacles or the causes of obstacles that everyone should think off. But understanding these obstacles doesn’t make you a business man, you should also know what to avoid when you are a businessman or starting a business. 

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

My Girlfriend says: You are an Entrepreneur

My Girlfriend says: You are an Entrepreneur


It’s a great motivation when someone says “Yes, you are an Entrepreneur” and it feels awesome when your Girlfriend tells you that. Now, you might be thinking that why my Girlfriend said it. What may be the reason?? Even I was stunned. Maybe she was just trying to motivate me because I failed to crack the opportunity yesterday or maybe she has entrepreneur vibes for me. I was totally unaware!!!

Yes, was totally unaware and I was frustrated just to know the reason. I called her at 2am yesterday (actually today morning) to ask her for the reason that why she told me that I am an Entrepreneur.

One reason that struck in my mind and I literally don’t want her to tell me the same reason that “You are not getting any opportunity and if you are getting any, you are not able to crack it!!! Maybe that’s your luck and your luck wants you to do a business. Your luck wants you to be an Entrepreneur”

I really don’t want to hear that!!! But the reason was different!!!

She told me that “You know that when you were in 6th standard, you earned you first money” (Yes, I earned it by selling a big roll of tissue paper at Rs.40 to my tuition friend and I got that tissue paper for free). Then she took me to the scene when I was in HSC. She told me “You earned your daily expenses by selling second hand mobile phones”. (Yes, that’s also true; I earned a good amount by selling second hand cell phones. In my last stage of HSC, I was having 53 cell phones- both cheap and expensive ones with me and I did deals with 3 mobile shops to get the phones sold. Again, a good idea to deal with mobile shops helped me to sell 53 phones and earn good and fast money).

I told my girlfriend that; the time has changed; now I am looking for a good opportunity and grow. She again told me “You know Bhavesh, people have being asking you to help them in business with great ideas and you have been giving them ideas. You know how to convert the business opportunity and that’s why people ask for help.”

She made me realize that Entrepreneur just want an opportunity and it’s in our hand to grab the opportunity with positive attitude or neglect it with fear.

“Don’t feel the pain of stone thrown at your face, try to convert that thrown stone into gold”

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

5 things one should not do in business

5 things one should not do in business


Running a business is not an easy job to do. Some of the leaders run their business successively because they do not do the “Don’t do” things and most of the people ignore this things resulting in harming their business. These are very important things that one should understand for a successful business career.

These are 5 things one should not do:

  1. Doing business unethically:

Business ethics is very important for running a business successively. Ethics means doing a right thing in a right way. Unethical businesses may be successful but only for some time. There is a right saying “You can fool one person every time or you can fool everybody once, but you cannot fool everybody every time”. One should serve the right value to the nation.

  1. Not serving value to consumers:

If you are selling a product to your consumer, the consumer must feel satisfied with price and also quality. Consumers must be the biggest asset that the company should have. Satisfying the consumer’s need is very essential for the company’s success. For successful business, retention of consumers is also important because if they are not satisfied, they have many options.

  1. Harsh with employees:

In today’s hyper competitive business scenario, retention of good talent is very important because it is very difficult to find a good talent. Employees are the pillars of a successive business. Today, many big multinational companies aim to retain their employees by providing promotions, monetary and Non-monetary incentives. Behaving well with employees and focusing on them for better performance will always take the company to the top.

  1. Not focusing on competitors:

One should be aware of what the competitors are doing. Competition is necessary for the overall growth of the nation, but it is always necessary to keep an eye on competitors. Business leader should have the knowledge of each and every move of his competitors, i.e., what strategies they are using, which product they are launching and how, if any, etc… Knowing about the competitors, one can manage and formulate the strategies that can serve the company more than that of competitors.

  1. Not formulating Zero defect policy:

It is always advisable to the company to formulate the zero defect policy. Zero defect policy is nothing but improving the quality of the products again and again, at the regular basis. Improvement is essential for the overall growth of the company. I am not talking only about improving products and bring new technology; zero defect policy should also be formulated into day-to-day working system, into your daily operations.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose




Firstly who is an Entrepreneur? In simple terms, the person who runs his own company nationally or internationally is called an Entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur is a person with great skills and ideas, takes the risk as well as rewards and is actually a business leader.


If you want to become your own boss

If you want great talent to work for you

If you want to be recognized as the great entrepreneur

Read this some tips and walk the way to your new successful business.

  1. Choose your own business line:

Firstly make a choice of your business line. It depends on your skills, interest in a particular business and again it depends on your ideas to develop a purely new business that never exist. Engaging in a new business that never exist is a good choice because less number of competitors and more profitable.

  1. Business plan:

Prepare the business plan from the scrap including your investments, business line, marketing expenses, etc… Each and every aspect must be there in your plan.

  1. Startup capital:

Introduce the startup capital to back your business idea. Venture capitalist can help you to start your business if your business plan is worthy and profitable. Crowd sourcing is one of the good answer to your question “How can I get the capital from??”

  1. Business building process:

After your capital arrangement, start your business process, i.e, developing network, targeting the consumers and selling them.

  1. Brand building:

After you start running your business profitably, take a further of promoting your company’s image and developing your brand image in the minds of your target market. This can be done through promotional activities like online and offline marketing, free samples to promote your brand, etc….

These are some simple steps to become a successful entrepreneur. The steps are simple, but the execution of these steps are challenging. One should have great passion to become his own boss.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

5 Easy Habits Every Futuristic Must Learn

5 Easy Habits Every Futuristic Must Learn


What can we do today to help out our future selves in coming years?

Lets start with the quote:

“The only permanent thing in life is “Change”

These habits will change the way to try to do things and look at things…

  1. Write down the key points of what you did the entire day.

This may seem unproductive, but it will show how you spend your day. Harvard Business School research says that as little as 15 minutes of written reflection at the end of the day can make you way more productive on the job.

  1. Talk to one stranger every day.

Strangers = opportunity.  Opportunities to make new friends, to get new ideas, to get new leanings, to get rid of fear of talking to strangers, to start a business venture, and much more. Your career depends on your network to a large extend. So expand your network as much as you can.

  1. Waste less time.

Life is composed of days, days of hours, hours of minutes and time doesn’t wait for anyone. You may get the opportunity again, but you may not get time to grab that opportunity.  Respect everybody around you, but respect time the most.

  1. Diversify your experiences.

The broader your life experiences, the more creative your ideas and the better you can relate to people.


  1. Save Money.

Put a little bit away with each paycheck, and do it automatically so you don’t miss it. One statement by Warren Buffet which I always carry with me- “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving”

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose