How Influencer Marketing can help you to build reach and engagement

Want to boost your advertisement campaign/blog post/product awareness?? Tried every method and still unable to build reach and grab specific target audience.

No worry, Influencer marketing has come to your rescue. Before that let me tell you what exactly Influencer Marketing is??

Influencer marketing is as similar as word of mouth, in digital language, its word of mouse. It is a word of mouth/mouse marketing done by people/groups/experts that can influence other’s buying behavior.  They have the power of influencing others because of their expertise in that specific field, reputation and popularity with large audience base.


Eg: Celebrities which are highly visible, popular and who has a huge fan following both on social media and outbound market who can give a huge exposure to the brands because of their huge fan following are mostly used to promote the products. They can influence the behavior of others.

Now, any blogger/page/group or an expert who has a huge fan base on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Googleplus, etc… can be termed as an Influencer.

Excellent example: Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has launched “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” and extensively promoted through every platform, but again to influence the masses extensively, he approached 9 famous TV serials such as “Tarak Mehta ka Oolta Chasma”, “Comedy nights with Kapil”, etc… to influence the people to a large extent.


Now, getting a right influencer is again a difficult task because the influencer has to reach the target audience you are looking for. No worry,  there is one online platform in India called, which has made it easier for advertisers to find Influencers from different niche based on target audience’s age group, country, industry etc.

Influencer marketing is itself gaining a boost in India.

Bhavesh Bhansali

The Big Difference – Why???

I don’t want to say anything, the picture says it all!!!

The big difference – why???

Just crab the difference and try to get over this nonsense.

We say, but we don’t execute it when it comes to cleaning up the society in terms of both roads and minds.

Get out there and fail

You might be thinking why I am telling you to get fail. Hahahah, I am not telling you to go out there and fail, but I am just asking you to accept the failure and get ready for a new try with a new positive approach.


Your failures are your learning experiences that points out your mistakes you must avoid in your life. Never try to hide from failure and face it with positivity. Just remember a simple theory, if you are afraid of failure, you won’t take risk and if you won’t take even reasonable risk, you won’t achieve or will achieve very little. As once Beverly Sills nicely remarked, “You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try”.

None of your visualization or imagination will do any good if you do not believe in yourself. Many of us have goals that we are really excited about — goals that have rewards so big we did give almost anything to get there. But sometimes it feels like those goals are just fantasies that won’t ever happen, and that’s when every ounce of motivation disappears. Get Self-motivated here!!!

The winners in life know that you crawl before you walk and you walk before you run. That is, each new goal welcomes a set of new failures. Now it’s up to you whether you treat these failures as temporary setbacks and challenges to overcome or you fail permanently.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Attitude Matters!!! A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow

I read this article today morning again just to rebuilt my core positive inside and coincidentally at the same time I came across a wonderful saying by Henry Ford on “Get out there and fail”.
“Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again”
Now, one thing last thing to say that if you are positive enough, you will think failure as an opportunity.
Bhavesh Bhansali

Daily Digital Dose

Attitude Matters!!!

A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow


“Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goals.

Nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong attitude”

Thomas Jefferson

Now, here are some principles that if you inculcate in your heart and mind, you will get the passport to a better tomorrow and also companies hire candidate who are well versed with these principles.

Remember and inculcate these principles:

  1. Turn your problems into opportunities:

 What you feel or react when you face a problem or setback? If you are like most of the people, your first reaction is to complain, ‘Why did this have to happen to me?’ This reaction or response is natural. You will certainly face a period of uncertainty, but there’s always another side of the coin known as opportunity. Every opportunity seems to be…

View original post 299 more words

5 great wordpress plugins you should definitely use

Use these best plugins and make your blogs better

Make your wordpress blogging site more attractive, embed more features and make your site exceptional. Use the wordpress plugins and worry less about the functionality of the site. These plugins work on improving your content and provide value for readers and bring traffic for you to a large extent.

I don’t want to waste time, so lets get started

  1. MashShare

MashShare is the free and famous social sharing plugin for wordpress.


Get your content shared more often by using this catchy social sharing plugin. This plugin makes it easy for your readers to find and hit the share buttons while reading your content. With a share and view count accompanying the share bar, your readers will also be getting a glimpse of your authority on the web.

  1. Yoast


Yoast is the best wordpress plugin for SEO. It is a one stop solution for wordpress blog to perform better in search results.  Control your blog’s Meta descriptions and title descriptions.

Better your SEO with Yoast.

  1. Contact Form 7


Contact form 7 can manage various contact forms at one time plus you can customize the form and the mail contents according to your requirements.

  1. Google XML Sitemap


Although Yoast SEO plugin does include Sitemaps for your website, Google XML Sitemap is rather better and easy to use. You can simply disable Yoast SEO plugins’ Sitemap option and have this plugin do the sitemap work for your blog. Use this free plugin to help the search engines better index your WordPress blog.

  1. WooCommerce


WooCommerce plugin is a popular WordPress plugin for starting an E-commerce network right from your WordPress website. This plugin comes from Woo Themes, a very popular developer for WordPress. A powerful dashboard widget and multiple payment outlets like PayPal, Amazon payments, cheque and cash. The elegant and intuitive storefront makes up a great asset for your self-hosted WordPress website.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Make your own Content matrix for social media sharing platforms

Edit your Editorial Calender now!!!

Today, let me take you through the most important strategy of social media…….

You might be unaware of the content matrix I am talking about or you are aware, but you don’t implement the content table for your social media stuff sharing.

Every business whether big or small doing its branding on social media has to strategize its content matrix, for sure, you can’t just ignore it.

Now, what is Content matrix????

Well, in simple terms, it is a table made for a week/Month or Quarter where in, your social media manager or content manager will list down all the content with respective topics or posts with their specific time and date on which the specific content has to be posted on specific social media sharing platform.

Ummm, don’t worry; you will understand it, just see the image below

3D Presentation1

The Content matrix differs according to the specific requirement of the company. One can also include time and post title for better planning and execution of social branding.

Now, make your own content matrix or in other terms your own editorial calendar