Get out there and fail

You might be thinking why I am telling you to get fail. Hahahah, I am not telling you to go out there and fail, but I am just asking you to accept the failure and get ready for a new try with a new positive approach.


Your failures are your learning experiences that points out your mistakes you must avoid in your life. Never try to hide from failure and face it with positivity. Just remember a simple theory, if you are afraid of failure, you won’t take risk and if you won’t take even reasonable risk, you won’t achieve or will achieve very little. As once Beverly Sills nicely remarked, “You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try”.

None of your visualization or imagination will do any good if you do not believe in yourself. Many of us have goals that we are really excited about — goals that have rewards so big we did give almost anything to get there. But sometimes it feels like those goals are just fantasies that won’t ever happen, and that’s when every ounce of motivation disappears. Get Self-motivated here!!!

The winners in life know that you crawl before you walk and you walk before you run. That is, each new goal welcomes a set of new failures. Now it’s up to you whether you treat these failures as temporary setbacks and challenges to overcome or you fail permanently.

Bhavesh Bhansali

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