5 questions your girlfriend will always ask you over a phone

5 questions your girlfriend will always ask you over a phone

I know each of you having a relationship must be encountered with these questions. Imagine the time you were asked these questions and the answer you gave.

 Now let’s get started,

  1. Are you sleepy bacha!!!


Hahaha, very common question asked at late night. If you say YES, she will scold at you by saying, “I am important or your sleep – decide it now”

  1. Did you miss me today my love???


Now, if you say NO, you are gone and if you say YES (Mostly everybody says YES), she will ask you another question “How much??”

  1. Am I looking fat!!!


When my girlfriend puts this exclamatory question on me, I get totally puzzled. But as usual, my answer is same as yours “NO”.

  1. Are you addicted to anything other than me??


Now, she seems to be like alcohol or any other addictive stuff. You know your response.

Now a last question!!! This question is a cute one but often asked every day.

  1. Will you ever leave me alone??


My answer is purely NO. Watch out yours.

Bhavesh Bhansali

Blogger at Daily Digital Dose

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