Facebook Marketing- An hour a day

Facebook Marketing- An hour a day

I always take a great interest to replenish my thoughts on social media marketing, whether it may be, Facebook marketing or Twitter marketing, or may be Instagram or MySpace. Social Media Platforms has changed the way we think, we work and the way we share our emotions, happiness and surprises. My Mother always shouts at me early morning because of my relationship with social media sites. Hahaha!!! I know same is the situation with you. It’s amazing to see that how online businesses have evolved as a result of these social media sharing sites.

I always have a close relationship with Facebook because it is the most widely used and renowned social media site and thus, the survey says the same. Heya, to find out why and which social media platform businesses use for their better audience connectivity, I did a survey.

Now let’s get started with Facebook!!!

Today, Internet usage is a pervasive part of our livelihood. It’s hard to believe that how Facebook marketing has changed from the last few years. Yes, I agree with you that still many people think it’s a new concept, but believe me, just for 3 years. It’s a vast new customer place for small and big businesses. I have written an article few months back only on the request of one my fan friend that how can we build reach on Facebook for free. It might help you out!!!


In 2007, definitely MySpace was at the top of all Social media sharing sites. Maybe, possible that Twitter can repeat the same story with Facebook. But as of now, Facebook the king! I won’t tell you about Facebook account setup, page setup, inviting people to your page or sending friend requests, how to share a post, etc… But yes, I will definitely talk about Facebook Analytics. It’s a very important concept to know if you are having a business page on Facebook or thinking to start one.

Facebook is the big thing in marketing as I have told you. But, what’s the use if you can’t judge the impact of your Facebook strategies on customer engagement, hike in page likes and views, ROI, customer satisfaction and of course,  your conversion rates.

Now, Facebook analytics is a big concept. I won’t be able to share it with my small article, but, you all should know the math behind social media marketing and post sharing. And to get in touch with Facebook Marketing, I have a gift for you!!!

 Just an hour a day will make you and your business a champion!!!

Click to download

Facebook Marketing an hour a day

Bhavesh Bhansali

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